Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Rebecca: Inertia

Ben started working on a "simple" game idea about 7 or 8 months ago.  The concept really is simple; but as every software engineer knows, nothing is simple in the programming world (this is also becoming painfully clear to me).  We agonize over how many screens the game should have, how will people personalize the game, how many buttons should appear on a screen, how much direction should we give players, how should we monetize the game...and the list goes on and on.  

After almost a year, we are in a slump.  Ben was almost done with the game, but it had a "thousand" little things still to-do.  To make matters worse, Ben accidentally deleted some files.  If I recall correctly (he has explained this several times, but I am lost after files and trash), he deleted files he did not think he needed.  Since I really do not understand what happened, I try not to get upset that he deleted files.  But who deletes files?  He is a programmer...isn't there a safety switch. 

Ben is almost finished with the game.  He recovered much of the "lost" work, and he is making progress fixing the bugs.  We still have content to finish, and we need to finalize some graphics.  But it is so hard to finish.  I understand why great novels are left unpublished.  They are easy to start, but very hard to complete.  

The game is 80% done, and it is the last 20% that seems impossible. It is easy to get distracted by kids' activities, household projects, work, and holidays.  We have lost momentum.  

But Ben, yes you, must fight the inertia.  We must finish this game.  We need to publish this game before Christmas.  No more delaying...one final push before the holidays.  Oh wait, dinner is burning...

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