Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Testing the Code

Worked more on the project code today than the design.  Just tried to work out some unit tests and some underlying components in model or data layer.   I always pledge to start off with testing, then code, but it can be challenging sometimes.  I wanted to get the test harness working and some initial code tested before going any further with the code.  Its a good start.
I also played with the effects of using the Sprite Kit to draw the scores.  I like the effect of drawing the numbers on the screen with delayed fade in effect.  It seems to do the trick nicely and opens up the possibility of adding sound effects easily.  This will strictly be the visible layer of the application.  It will also be pretty modular thanks to the Node system using in Sprite Kit.  I can change around effects as I learn more.

Good stuff, but must admit I also pushed out the latest version of Family Bank.   It was a small fix related to the icon, but was bothering me.  

-- Geek Side Note -- This entire post was a Geek Side Note.

Kids and I has Little Caesars pizza.  "Don't tell Mom!"

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